Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Artiodactyla
FAMILY: Bovidae
GENUS: Naemorhedus
Himalayan Goral

Long-tailed Goral, Red Goral, and Chinese Goral

Gorals grow 20-30 inches tall, 30-50 inches long, and up to around 90 pounds, with males being the larger sex. Coat coloration differs slightly between the four subspecies, but they range from light grey to dark reddish-brown, with lighter patches on their throat and underside, and a dark stripe down their back. Goral coats become coarse and woolly during the winter to protect them in their cold habitats.
Another noticeable trait of gorals is their backwards-facing horns. Both sexes have them, but a male’s horns can reach a length of 9 inches, while a female’s are a little shorter at 7.5 inches. Even though the gorals have sharp horns, they don’t use them for protection against predators. If a goral senses danger, they will make a hissing noise to alarm other gorals in the area. They can escape either by playing dead since their coat helps them blend into the terrain, or by fleeing as they can easily navigate the mountainous landscape and clear obstacles over seven feet tall!

Gorals have their own territories, but you can often find serows overlapping the goral grounds. The serow is another species of goat in the same family as the goral; however, goral can usually be found at higher elevations.