PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Carnivora
FAMILY: Viverridae
GENUS: Civettictis
SPECIES: C. civetta

Each civet has a black mask around their eyes and a unique pattern of stripes and spots colored grey, black, cream, and white down their body and tail to assist in camouflaging.
In addition to their unique coloration, African civets also have crest that sticks straight up all the way down their back. When threatened, the African civet will fluff up the crest to appear larger.
Another identifying feature is the African civet’s non-retractable claws.

African civets are sometimes lumped in with cats, however, even though they are in the same suborder as felines, they further branch into the viverrids family, which includes mongooses and weasels, but not cats.
Besides using their crest to communicate, they also use a variety of vocalizations ranging from growls to laughing noises, as well as secreted odor markings.