Hi there, folks! It’s Arby for My first segment of Arby’s Tips and Tricks!

Today I want to talk about the environment. Namely, what we can do to save it so that our animals can continue to thrive, produce offspring, and carry out their earthly traditions for years to come. As I’m sure you animal-loving readers are aware, the earth is in great danger! But don’t worry.

Luckily, there are many things that we can do to save it if we really put our minds to it. Here are 5 easy things that humans can do in their everyday life to help conserve nature and wildlife:

1. Recycle

Did you know that recycled paper produces 73% less air pollution than raw materials? That’s a lot of fresh air for my fellow canines to breathe!

2. Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Fluorescent lights require less electricity, which means less greenhouse gases. In case you aren’t sure, greenhouse gases are certain types of gas emissions that hurt our atmosphere’s ozone layer. The ozone layer is responsible for keeping out harmful radiation from the sun’s rays. Fluorescent light bulbs means healthier skin for all!

3. Conserve Water

Conserving water is as easy as can be! Turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth. Reduce your shower time by five minutes. Only run a full load of laundry. These little things can make much more of a difference than you think- especially when everyone is doing it! For more ways to save water, check out this list.

4. Make sure your vehicle gets that tune-up!

I sure enjoy car rides. I love sticking my head out the window and feeling that breeze move through the fur on my face. You know what can really help greenhouse gas emissions? Making sure your car is in ship shape. Even an under or overly inflated tire can make an impact.

5. Reusable shopping bag! No more plastic! 

Millions of animals such as turtles and birds die every year from ingesting plastic! That really makes my poor doggy heart sink. Not only do reusable shopping bags help halt the use of plastic, but it also cuts back on deforestation caused by the production of paper bags. You can also get a fun reusable bag with a great design. Everybody wins!

If you have any questions about this or other topics, or have an idea for a future blog post, please feel free to contact us!

Yours in writing,

– Arby