Scientific Classification

KINGDOM: Animalia

PHYLUM: Chordata

CLASS: Mammalia

ORDER: Carnivora

FAMILY: Felidae

GENUS: Panthera

SPECIES: P. tigris

SSUBSPECIES: P. t. tigris

Conservation Status

Bengal tigers have yellow to light orange fur with dark brown to black stripes, and lighter-colored interior parts. There are cases of white tigers, however, this is a recessive mutation and not albinism.

Among wild cats, the Bengal tiger is considered one of the largest. Depending on the gender, they can grow up to 10 feet long, around four feet tall, and weighing about 200-600 pounds.

Bengal tigers are found in subtropical and temperate upland forests in India, mangroves in Bangladesh, lowland forests in Nepal, and foothills and temperate forests in Bhutan. Not only are Bengals the only tigers that have been known to thrive in mangroves, but they are also frequently seen swimming between the islands.
Like most big cats, Bengal tigers are carnivores. This tiger’s canines can grow just under four inches long making them the longest among all cats. They can eat large prey like chital and water buffalo, medium prey like boars, and even small prey like porcupines and hares. Bengals take the ambush route to hunting and will silently approach their target from the side or from behind and then lunge for the neck to kill it. They have a feast or famine mentality and have been known to eat over 80 pounds of food in one sitting!
Mating season differs from habitat to habitat with Bengals. Both males and females will have multiple partners to ensure better chances of getting pregnant. The mothers will carry their young for a little over three months, resulting in the birth of one to four cubs. A newborn cub only weighs between 1.5 – 3.5 pounds. They will begin to accompany the females on hunts at about two months of age and start contributing to hunting at five to six months. By three years of age, the cubs will have left the pack to start a new territory.

The Bengal tiger is considered one of the world’s charismatic megafauna. These are a category of animals that are large and wildly valued, such as rhinos, elephants, bald eagles, pandas, etc. In fact, they are so valued in India and Bangladesh, natives call them the Royal Bengal Tigers.