Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
ORDER: Charadriiformes
FAMILY: Laridae
GENUS: Rynchops
SPECIES: R. niger
Conservation Status

Adults in breeding plumage will have black coloring on their upper wings and body with white coloring underneath. Non-breeding or younger black skimmers display more brownish colors.
A unique characteristic for a bird is the black skimmer’s cat-like vertical pupil. They protect their eyes by causing their pupils to narrow during the day when the sun is brightly reflecting from the water and sand.

The black skimmer is a seabird in the gull family. Their scientific name Rynchops niger can be translated to “bill”, “to cut off”, and “black.” There are two other subspecies of skimmers besides black skimmers, which are the African skimmer and Indian skimmer.
Black skimmers are efficient flyers, which is useful for their annual migration to the Caribbean and the subtropical coasts of the Pacific Ocean during winter.
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