Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Chondrichthyes
ORDER: Carcharhiniformes
FAMILY: Carcharhinidae
GENUS: Carcharhinus
SPECIES: C. limbatus
Conservation Status

Blacktip sharks have five pairs of gill slits, which are longer than similar requiem shark species. They need to swim constantly since water only enters the gills while the sharks are swimming. In addition, blacktip sharks don’t have a swim bladder, so they need to keep moving to prevent sinking.

The blacktip shark is a type of requiem shark, which includes any shark that is migratory, has live-births, and inhabits warm waters.
By basic morphology and behavior, scientists thought blacktip sharks were related to the graceful shark and the spinner shark. Yet, recent DNA evidence has pointed to the blacknose shark as being a closer relative to the blacktip.
Besides their usual swimming trips, blacktip sharks will migrate hundreds of miles every year to avoid the cold weather. In the US, they are documented in North Carolina in the summer and Florida in the winter.