Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
ORDER: Suliformes
FAMILY: Sulidae
SPECIES: S. nebouxii
Conservation Status

Females are slightly larger than males, have a duller shade of blue feet, and less yellow in their irises. As adults, both sexes have light brown heads with white streaks, and a mostly white body except the back, wings, and tail which are brown.
Blue-footed boobies are great flyers and swimmers; however, they aren’t so graceful at walking. Their sleek body, narrow wings, and tail make them agile in the water. They can easily move in continuous, high-speed dive from the air to shallow water back out.
Their nostrils are permanently closed so water doesn’t go up their beak when they dive.
Besides the slight vocalization differences that come with differing blue-footed booby genders, mates can recognize each other’s calls out of hundreds of other birds.

Their diet consists mainly of smaller fish such as sardines, anchovies, mackerel, and more. The fish or squid these boobies eat are high in the antioxidant carotenoid, which gives the feet their blue color.
Male blue-footed boobies are known to hunt closer to the shore since they are smaller than females. Besides their smaller size, males have larger tails which helps in quickly changing direction underwater.

Boobies are believed to have gotten their name from the Spanish slang term “bobo”, which means “stupid”, as these birds were often seen landing on board ships making it easy to capture and eat them.