Brazilian Black Velvet Tarantula on mossy log

Scientific Classification

KINGDOM: Animalia

PHYLUM: Arthropoda

CLASS: Arachnida

ORDER: Araneae

FAMILY: Theraphosidae

GENUS: Grammostola

SPECIES: G. pulchra

Conservation Status

Grammostola pulchra or Brazilian black tarantula, close up isolated on white background

As their name suggests, the Brazilian black tarantula almost entirely Both sexes usually reach a length of 7 inches but the females can live more than 20 years old while the males only up to 4 years.

The Brazilian black tarantula is a slowly maturing species and could take 4-8 years to attain full adulthood depending on the gender.

If provoked, the Brazilian black tarantula will use its fangs or urticating hairs that cover the front and back of its abdomen and eject them toward potential attackers. These bristles can embed themselves in the threat’s skin or eyes causing discomfort and injecting the tarantula’s venom.

The Brazilian black tarantula’s venom is very mild and will feel like a bee sting and cause redness or skin eruption.

View over dry grassland Sierra de las Quijadas National Park, San Luis, Argentina

The Brazilian black tarantula is a burrowing tarantula native to the grasslands of Brazil and Uruguay. They are not picky when trying to find a home and will choose anything around such as a dark log or abandoned den. The beautiful appearance and docile nature of the Brazilian black tarantula make it a popular pet.

Brazilian black tarantula, Grammostola pulchra, eating cricket

Brazilian black tarantulas hunt at night using their senses to feel vibrations in the environment signaling nearby prey such as crickets, mice, mealworms, lizards, and more. Instead of using webs like spiders, tarantulas will hide in their burrows and wait for their prey to pass by before grabbing it. The Brazilian black tarantula holds the prey with its front legs and uses its fangs to subdue before injecting digestive enzymes.

The Brazilian black tarantulas are usually solitary but will come together for mating season which is during the summer from June to September. An interested male will approach a potential mate and if she is interested, she will allow him to deposit his sperm into her receptacle under her abdomen. After 2-3 weeks, she will lay over 600 eggs in a sack that will soon hatch into spiderlings.

Brazilian Black Tarantula (Grammostola pulchra) on hand

This is one of the few tarantulas that would rather flee than fight.

Tarantulas use logs or dens instead of webs like spiders.