Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Carnivora
FAMILY: Canidae
GENUS: Canis
SPECIES: Canis Lupus
SUBSPECIES: Canis Lupus Familiaris
BREED: Brussels Griffon
Conservation Status

Brussels Griffons are considered a toy breed since they stand 7-8 inches tall and usually weigh 7-12 pounds. There are two different kinds of Brussels Griffons; the traditional Brussels Griffon has a wiry coat, while Petit Brabancons have a smoother coat.
“Monkey face” is one of the Brussels Griffon’s common nicknames. We’ve been able to determine the genetic makeup of this breed as being part Affenpinscher, Pug, and English Toy Spaniel. The Brussels Griffon gets most of its looks from the Affenpinscher, while the Toy Spaniel gives it its large eyes, rounded head, and expressive jaw. The pug contributes mostly to the smooth-coated variety.

Brussels Griffons were first bred in Belgium to kill rats and other small critters that were inhabiting horse stables.

Brussels Griffons are fine with a traditional high-quality commercial dog food. Adding salmon to their food will also give them a boost in beneficial fatty acids.

Brussels Griffons usually have a litter size of 1-3 puppies. They can typically give birth unassisted, however, they may have complications and need a C-Section if the litter size is larger than 3. When they are born, the puppies only way a few ounces and can fit in the palm of your hand!

The Brussels Griffon was featured in one movie and the inspiration for a character in another. A Brussels Griffon by the name of Verdell was featured in “As Good as it Gets.” More notably, they were the inspiration behind Ewoks featured in “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi”! In fact, George Lucas had three Brussels Griffons as pets!
After World War I and II, the Brussels Griffon almost became extinct due to the poor economic condition in Belgium. Owning a Brussels Griffon, much less breeding one, was a luxury that few could afford. Luckily, English breeders in the UK made a huge effort to resurrect the breed during that time and kept them going for us to love to this day.