
Category: All Critters


Pangolins hold the distinction of being the only mammals that possess scales. These scales, which cover their entire bodies except for their faces, bellies, and the inner sides of their limbs, are made of keratin — the same protein that forms human hair and nails.

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White-Lipped Viper

The white-lipped viper is a versatile snake that thrives in various habitats throughout Southeast Asia. They can be found in diverse environments, including shrublands, rural gardens, forests, and even areas populated by humans.

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The hoopoe bird, known for its vibrant crest and striking appearance, is a captivating species. Throughout history, the hoopoe has captured the imagination of different cultures, giving rise to intriguing folklore and symbolism.

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Vietnamese Pheasant

The Vietnamese Pheasant, a colorful bird native to Vietnam, is known for its vibrant plumage, fascinating courtship rituals, and elusive nature.

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Jeweled Flower Mantis

The Jeweled Flower Mantis is a skillful predator that relies on its remarkable camouflage to hunt. Its vibrant green coloring, along with other hues resembling flowers, allows it to blend seamlessly into the surrounding vegetation.

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Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

The eastern tiger swallowtail is named after the unique coloration of its wings, which are yellow and feature four black stripes resembling a tiger.

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Banded Sea Krait

The venom affects the banded sea krait’s prey’s diaphragm, paralyzing it and preventing the poor animal from breathing properly or being able to escape.

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Tokay Gecko

The tokay gecko has the extraordinary capability to detach its own tail from its body as a form of defense.

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Jackson’s Chameleon

Male Jackson’s chameleons use their horns to “joust” others that encroach on their territory, even going so far as to knock the other male off the tree.

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Dwarf Puffer Fish

When one dwarf puffer fish starts to “become” a male, it will secrete certain hormones in order to deter development in another dwarf puffer fish.

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Northern Map Turtle

The northern map turtle bears the nickname of “sawback” due to their unique keel that is shaped similarly to the teeth of a saw.

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