
Category: Endangered

Komodo Dragon

Komodo dragons have venomous glands in their mouth which can paralyze an animal and cause blood loss and excruciating pain.

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The axolotl was named after a dog-headed Aztec God called Xolotl, who escaped sacrifice by transforming into a salamander.

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Golden Mantella Frog

Golden mantella frogs can “absorb” toxins from the insects they eat and incorporate it into their own defense systems.

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Persian Leopard

The Persian Leopard is the largest of the leopard species. They measure about 2 to 6 feet lengthwise and weigh anywhere from 60 to 200 pounds!

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Hawaiian Monk Seal

The Hawaiian monk seal’s name in Hawaiian is “ilio-holo-i-ka-uaua”, which means “dog running in rough water”.

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Rhinoceros Iguana

Rhinoceros Iguana’s most notable feature, and where it gets its name, is the bony growth on their snout which resembles horns.

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Lar Gibbon

Lar gibbons have hooked hands to give them a solid grip on branches allowing them to swing and soar 40 feet to branches, over openings, and across rivers.

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A chimpanzee community can range from 20 to over 150 members. Like humans, they kiss, hug, tickle, and laugh when they play.

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Panamanian Golden Frog

The Panamanian golden frog keeps all its toxins on its skin to deter predators, which is so strong that one frog can kill 1,200 mice!

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A babirusa male’s canines can grow up to 17 inches, penetrating the snout. Some subspecies file them so they don’t grow into the forehead.

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The frigatebird is so well-adapted for the air that is has the largest wing-area-to-body-weight-ratio of any bird!

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