
Category: Insects

Jeweled Flower Mantis

The Jeweled Flower Mantis is a skillful predator that relies on its remarkable camouflage to hunt. Its vibrant green coloring, along with other hues resembling flowers, allows it to blend seamlessly into the surrounding vegetation.

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Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

The eastern tiger swallowtail is named after the unique coloration of its wings, which are yellow and feature four black stripes resembling a tiger.

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Common Buckeye

The common buckeye may mate year-round or in the summer depending on location. Females lay small, green eggs on a variety of host plants.

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Azure Damselfly

Due to their insect predator diet, gardeners consider azure damselflies very beneficial and will make favorable habitats near their gardens.

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Atlas Moth

The tips of the atlas moth’s wings look like snake heads which can be used as a strategy to ward off predators.

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Cuckoo Wasp

The cuckoo wasp has a flexible abdomen that allows them to curl in on themselves if in danger like an armadillo.

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Dung Beetle

A dung beetle will climb on top of their dung ball to get up higher to orient themselves using the Milky Way to find their way home!

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Blue Pansy Butterfly

When flying, the blue pansy butterflies fly in a rigid flap and glide fashion while defending its territory from other butterflies.

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Researchers in Massachusetts have successfully used silkworm silk in the reconstructing of damaged tendons, ligaments, and more!

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Peacock Butterfly

If the peacock butterfly is attacked, it’ll flash its wings to show their eyespots and make a hissing noise to scare off predators.

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Their deadly stinger is .25-inches long and can be used multiple times to deliver its potent venom that contains 8 different chemical substances.

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