
Category: Reptiles

White-Lipped Viper

The white-lipped viper is a versatile snake that thrives in various habitats throughout Southeast Asia. They can be found in diverse environments, including shrublands, rural gardens, forests, and even areas populated by humans.

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Banded Sea Krait

The venom affects the banded sea krait’s prey’s diaphragm, paralyzing it and preventing the poor animal from breathing properly or being able to escape.

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Tokay Gecko

The tokay gecko has the extraordinary capability to detach its own tail from its body as a form of defense.

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Jackson’s Chameleon

Male Jackson’s chameleons use their horns to “joust” others that encroach on their territory, even going so far as to knock the other male off the tree.

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Northern Map Turtle

The northern map turtle bears the nickname of “sawback” due to their unique keel that is shaped similarly to the teeth of a saw.

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The tomistoma has the largest skull out of all the species of living crocodiles. The biggest tomistoma skull measured 33 inches in length!

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Komodo Dragon

Komodo dragons have venomous glands in their mouth which can paralyze an animal and cause blood loss and excruciating pain.

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Crested Gecko

Crested geckos are vocal animals, and sometimes you will hear them making a chirping noise or barking sound that can sound like squeaking.

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Frilled Dragon

Frilled dragons are able to expand their frills thanks to possessing two long and rod-like bones called hyoids.

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Gopher Tortoise

Scientific Classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia Order: Testudines...

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Rhinoceros Iguana

Rhinoceros Iguana’s most notable feature, and where it gets its name, is the bony growth on their snout which resembles horns.

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