Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Carnivora
FAMILY: Felidae
GENUS: Neofelis
SPECIES: N. nebulosi
Conservation Status

Clouded leopards can grow up to a shoulder height of 22 inches, a length of 43 inches, and weigh 51 pounds, with the males being larger than the females.
Their primary coat color is dark gray or earth tones, which are often masked by the leopard’s many gray and black markings. This pattern continues on the clouded leopard’s face and its huge tail, which can grow almost as long as it with an average length being 24-36 inches!
The clouded leopard has the largest canines in proportion to its body with the upper pair measuring at least 1.5 inches or longer which has given it the nickname of the modern-day saber-toothed tiger.

The clouded leopard, also called the mainland clouded leopard, is a medium-sized cat found in China and Southeast Asia. They are extremely adept at traveling through the trees so they prefer habitats with evergreen tropical forests, logged forests, or swamps.

They will either stalk their prey or wait for it to come to them before ambushing them. The clouded leopard has an eclectic diet in that they can hunt the animals that inhabit the trees or the terrestrial prey; however, they are more often seen hunting prey on the ground. Their diet consists of animals such as primates, deer, birds, porcupines, small mammals, and boar.

Mating season for clouded leopards is between December and March. After multiple days of mating, the males will leave and not play a role in raising the cubs. After 3 months, the female will give birth to 1-5 cubs that weigh 5-10 ounces each. The cubs are born blind and with solid gray coats but will be able to see 10 days after birth. They will be fully weaned after 3 months, their solid coat will turn into spots at 6 months, and they’ll be independent after 10 months.

The clouded leopard is one of the most impressive cats in the trees. They have been seen not only climbing head first down trees but also climbing on branches with their backs facing the ground, moving horizontally. Amazingly, they can also hang upside down on limbs with only their back paws holding onto the limb!
Besides their climbing abilities, clouded leopards are very vocal, using high pitched calls to locate other leopards or growl when threatened.