Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Chondrichthyes
ORDER: Myliobatiformes
FAMILY: Rhinopteridae
GENUS: Rhinoptera
SPECIES: R. bonasus
Conservation Status

They have a typical ray coloration of brown-backed and yellowish or whitish stomach; however, it’s their broad head and wide-set eyes that are distinguishable.
The cownose ray has a lengthy tail that is almost twice as long as its body! It is equipped with a stinger, or spine, but only strikes if threatened. The spine has lateral teeth along the edges with a small amount of venom. The cownose ray’s venom is weak, however, and only about as strong as a bee sting.

The cownose ray is often mistaken for a shark. This is caused by the tips of the ray’s fins sticking out of the water resembling the dorsal fin of a shark.
In a show of territorial display, cownose rays will jump out of the water and land with a loud smack.