Scientific Classification
KINGDOM:Â Animalia
PHYLUM:Â Chordata
ORDER: Sphenisciformes
FAMILY: Spheniscidae
GENUS: Pygoscelis
SPECIES: P. antarcticus
Conservation Status

With males being larger than females, these penguins can grow 26-30 inches long and weigh 6.5-12 pounds. Their black backs and white bellies allow affective camouflage as they look disguised from above and below.
Even though their legs are strong, they are also short and stumpy giving them an exaggerated waddle. This is why you will commonly see them sliding around on their bellies while kicking their feet, which is referred to as tobogganing.

Due to their overwhelming number, chinstrap penguins have few natural predators besides the occasional leopard seal or killer whale.
Besides the common names referring to their appearance, chinstrap penguins are also called stonecracker penguins because their calls are so loud and shrill.