Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
ORDER: Opisthocomiformes
FAMILY: Opisthocomidae
GENUS: Opisthocomus
SPECIES: O. hoazin
Conservation Status

Hoatzins have dark and light brown feathers throughout their body, loose tails feathers, lightly feathered faces, blue face, and red eyes. Even though hoatzins have short legs, they are thick and strong.
Even though hoatzins have large wings, they rarely fly. The pectoral muscles of the hoatzins are poorly developed to make room for their large digestive system.
The chicks have claws on the tips of their wings similar to prehistoric birds, but the claws are lost when they grow up.

They are so hard to classify that they have their own genus known as Opisthocomus, which is Greek for “wearing long hair behind”, referring to the long feathers on its head. The most current genetic research revealed the hoatzins are the last surviving member of prehistoric birds that went extinct over 50 million years ago.
Hoatzins roost over water so they can drop in the river if threatened as flying away isn’t plausible.