Scientific Classification

KINGDOM: Animalia

PHYLUM: Chordata


ORDER: Otidiformes

FAMILY: Otididae

GENUS: Ardeotis

SPECIES: A. kori

Conservation Status

The bustard family is any large, land-dwelling bird that live mainly in dry grasslands and are omnivores. There a few different subspecies of Kori bustards, which range from 2-4 feet tall and weigh between 15-40 pounds.

Kori bustards are characterized as having long necks with short bills, with long legs that end with three fingers. Their feathers, however, are unique as bustards do not have a preening gland. Preening glands produce an oily substance that helps keep a bird’s feathers clean. Instead, the Kori bustards produce a powder down and will bathe in the sun and dust to keep parasites away.

They also have an intricate and complex coloration. A kori bustard’s neck is a mix of black and gray with a barring pattern; their neck feathers are loose giving it a thicker appearance. The feathers on their back are shades of brown while the ventral plumage is a bold pattern of black and white. The crest on kori bustard’s head is black, with the females having a less prominent crest.

The Kori bustard is found mainly in Africa but also parts of India and Australia. Several conditions lead to an ideal habitat for the Kori bustard: low annual rainfall, sandy soil with short grass and bushes to hide, arid grassy areas, and no place that is densely wooded.
Kori bustards are omnivorous and will be seen foraging in the first and last hours of daylight. They eat insects such as locusts, grasshoppers, and caterpillars, and plants like grasses, seeds, and berries. Kori bustards will often follow larger critters around to catch the insects flushed out by them. Unlike most birds that scoop water to drink with their bills, Kori bustards will drink water using a sucking motion.
Mating season takes place once a year, when the male Kori bustards put on an impressive display to mate with multiple females. The males’ mating display involves inflating their esophagus to as much as four times its regular size, drooping their wings, raising their tail, and lightly bouncing around. Similar to other bustards, the females do not make nests, and will instead use a shallow, unlined hollow. She will usually lay two eggs and raise take care of the eggs and chicks by herself.

Even though these birds are mainly land-bound, they can fly from predators, making them the heaviest flying bird in the world!

Kori bustards spend up to 70% of their time on land, only flying to escape predators. They are naturally wary and will run or crouch at the first sign of danger. Being so heavy, flying is their last resort. They will first try to escape detection by quietly walking off, but if they must fly, Kori bustards must expel much effort to become airborne with heavy wingbeats. Once it’s in the air, however, they can slowly fly low to the ground until they are safe.