Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Carnivora
FAMILY: Hyaenidae
GENUS: Proteles
SPECIES: P. cristata
Conservation Status

Aardwolves are missing the throat spots that other species in the hyena family have.
Like all members in the hyena family, aardwolves have longer front legs than hindlegs.
Another characteristic of aardwolves are their manes that stretch from head to tail. If threatened by predators or trespassing aardwolves, their mane will raise up making them appear larger. Aardwolves are rarely vocal and will usually only growl, roar, or cluck when threatened.

Their name means “earth wolf” in Afrikaans and Dutch even though they’re more closely related to hyenas than wolves.
Aardwolves found in the south tend to be smaller than those found in the east.