Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Artiodactyla
FAMILY: Bovidae
GENUS: Saiga
SPECIES: S. tatarica
Conservation Status

The saiga antelope has several defining features. The most notable is their large, downward-pointing nose. During the summer, the saiga antelope’s nose helps filter out dust kicked up by the herd and helps cool the antelope’s blood. During winter, their nose can heat up the freezing air before it’s taken to the lungs. Their coat will also change colors from a sandy color in the summer to a pale gray during the winter.
The males saiga antelopes are the only ones with horns. They are thick with rings on the bottom but are only used for mating, not in defense of predators.

The main predators of saiga antelopes are wolves, and the saiga antelopes use their speed to escape. Besides being able to run up to 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers), they have been known to travel over 70 miles every day during migration season.