Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Rodentia
FAMILY: Chinchillidae
GENUS: Lagidium
SPECIES: L. viscaci
Conservation Status

The mountain viscacha is covered in brownish fur with a yellow belly to help blend in with the rocks. However, their coloration can vary by season and age. Both males and females have long bushy tails that are curled up when resting and extended to its full length of up to 14 inches when it’s moving.
Mountain viscachas have long, strong back feet and smaller front feet. Their legs and feet are used more for jumping than digging so they form shallow burrows in rock crevices instead of tunnels. The pads of their feet are fleshy and referred to as pallipes, which are useful for navigating quickly over the rocky mountain surface.