Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Diprotodontia
SUBORDER: Vombatiformes
FAMILY: Vombatidae
- Common Wombat
Near Threatened
- Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat
Critically Endangered
- Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat

Wombats use their wide bodies, long claws, and strong feet to dig an extensive system of tunnels, which they will jump into if threatened.
Their rear ends are extremely dense and primarily made of cartilage, so predators have a hard time pursuing the wombat once they get in a tunnel. Occasionally, a wombat will let a predator force its head over their back, and then use its strong feet to crush the intruder’s skull!

There is some debate over the evolution of wombats; one theory that could date as far back as 40 million years ago with the rhinoceros-sized Diprotodon!
Don’t let their stocky look fool you, wombats can run up to 25 mph once they get going!