Scientific Classification
KINGDOM:Â Animalia
PHYLUM:Â Chordata
CLASS: Reptilia
ORDER:Â Squamata
FAMILY: Teiidae
GENUS: Salvator
SPECIES: S. merianae
Conservation Status

Both sexes have the black and white banded body but less bands indicate an older lizard.
They have long, strong tails that they can use as a weapon or drop off as a distraction.
Argentine black and white tegus are labeled as partially warm-blooded as they are only able to control their temperature during the mating season.

Tegu lizards are any lizard in the Teiidae family native to Central and South America.
Other names include huge tegu or Argentine giant tegu.
Argentine black and white tegus have impressive defense tactics such as their tail and can run at high speeds, even on just two legs for a short time.