Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Sciuridae
Genus: Sciurus
Species: S. Vulgaris

Contrary to their name, Eurasian red squirrels range from red to black depending on their location; however, the underside is always white and they all have ear tufts.
Like other squirrels, Eurasian red squirrels are skilled climbers. They have curved claws to help them scale up and down thick trees, slim branches, and houses. The Eurasian red squirrel can jump over 6 feet between trees with the aid of its strong legs and long tail to balance and steer while in the air!

Females will remain pregnant a little over a month before giving birth to usually 3 blind and deaf kits, which the mother cares for. Even though the young can eat solids after a month and venture away, they still suckle from their mom for 8-10 weeks.

Eurasian red squirrels do not hibernate and bury their food throughout the year to be able to survive through the winter.