Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
ORDER: Sphenisciformes
FAMILY: Spheniscidae
GENUS: Pygoscelis
SPECIES: P. papua
Conservation Status

Like other penguins, they have bluish-black plumage on their back with white plumage on their stomachs. However, gentoo penguins are easily distinguished by their bright orange bill, paddle-shaped feet, and impressively long brush-like tail.

There are mixed ideas on where the gentoo penguin got its name, however, “gentoo” was a term used by Anglo-Indians to distinguish Hindus from Muslims. This line of thinking makes sense as the white patch on this penguin’s head may resemble a turban.
Besides being the third largest penguin, they are also the fastest. Underwater, these agile swimmers can reach speeds of just over 20 mph, diving at a depth of 650 feet for up to 7 minutes!
Gentoo penguins are also known for their calls as they throw their head back and make trumpeting noises to communicate.