Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Reptilia
ORDER: Crocodilia
FAMILY: Gavialidae
GENUS: Gavialis
SPECIES: G. gangeticus
Conservation Status

The gharial is currently one of the longest crocodiles measuring anywhere from 11 to 20 feet long depending on the age and gender and weighing up to about 500 pounds.
These crocodiles have olive-colored backs with yellow undersides, which helps camouflage in the water. Gharials have poorly developed legs that make it virtually impossible to carry their full weight on land. Therefore, they use their legs to push them forward on land or glide in the water.

Gharials are solitary creatures and rarely leave the water except to bask in the sun or lay eggs. Because they don’t frequent land, gharials pose little threat to humans. Their slender jaws make it difficult to take large prey down and there have only been a handful of reports of gharials attacking people. In most cases, it involved a protective mother or an agitated gharial, and none were fatal.