Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Reptilia
ORDER: Squamata
FAMILY: Boidae
GENUS: Eunectes
SPECIES: E. murinu
Conservation Status

The color pattern of these snakes is a green background with dark blotches along the length of the body. Their scales will become lighter towards the stomach. Their skin is loose and soft allowing the green anaconda’s body to withstand long periods in water.
Green anacondas have their eyes and nasal openings high on their head so they can see while their body is submerged underwater.

Green anacondas will flick their tongue out similar to other snakes to sense the area around them. This is made possible using the Jacobson’s organ found on the roof of the snake’s mouth. Their flicking tongue brings odors into the mouth, which will be delivered to the Jacobson’s organ after the odors have mixed with the oral fluids.