Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Artiodactyla
FAMILY: Bovidae
GENUS: Hemitragus
SPECIES: H. jemlahicus
Conservation Status

The Himalayan tahr has a dense, woolly coat with a thick undercoat to keep warm during the cold winters. However, its coat will lighten in color and become thinner during the warmer seasons.
The Himalayan tahr have also developed the unique ability to grasp onto both smooth and rough surfaces on the mountainous terrain using their even-toed hooves with rubbery cores. Other mammals with even-toed hooves are giraffes, deer, llamas, etc.

The closest living relatives to the Himalayan tahr are sheep and goats.
Himalayan tahrs usually live in mixed herds of about 15 members. They are able to survive so well as an invasive species relocating to different countries due to several factors. First, they are mobile throughout the day, which allows them to avoid predators and find food. Their digestive system also gives them the ability to digest a wide variety of food. Plus, there are no natural predators in the areas they have moved to.