Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Rodentia
FAMILY: Sciuridae
GENUS: Ratufa
SPECIES: R. indica
Conservation Status

Their beautiful coats are usually a two-to-three-toned combination of red, tan, maroon, or brown. The Indian giant squirrel’s underparts, legs, and tail tip are usually cream-colored with a white spot between its round ears.
Indian giant squirrels are made for life in the trees. Their two-foot tail provides excellent balance and their strong hind legs allow them to jump up to 20 feet from tree to tree. The Indian giant squirrel’s multi-colored coat grants them some camouflage from leopards and birds of prey. If threatened, a giant squirrel will flatten itself to a tree to appear like a passing shadow.
Females and males look indistinguishable except for the three sets of mammae on the females.