Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Perissodactyla
FAMILY: Rhinocerotidae
GENUS: Rhinoceros
SPECIES: R. unicornis
Conservation Status

The Indian rhinoceros might look like it’s covered in armor but it’s actually brownish-grey skin folds. Their bulky body and large bumps on their legs and shoulders add to this tough look. Some of these folds have a pinkish hue, which is caused by blood vessels that are spread over the body to help regulate body temperature. These rhinoceroses also have one horn on top of their nose that can grow up to 20 inches long and is made purely of keratin.

The Indian rhinoceros has poor eyesight but makes up for it with amazing hearing and sense of smell. Not only can they use their smell to detect mating partners, but it can also protect them against predators such as tigers that prey on young rhinoceroses. These large mammals may look slow, but they can run at a maximum of 34 mph for short bursts to escape danger!
Indian rhinoceroses are great swimmers. They bathe regularly to help stay cool as their skin flaps can hold water even when they get back on land.
Birds such as mynas and egrets will feed on the parasites that hide in the folds of the rhino’s skin.