Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Reptilia
ORDER: Testudines
FAMILY: Testudinidae
GENUS: Geochelone
SPECIES: G. elegans
Conservation Status

The Indian star tortoise’s beautifully designed shell breaks up the outline of the tortoise providing good camouflage. Its convex-shaped shell also allows them to easily flip back over if turned on its back.
Indian star tortoises have mostly tan skin on their head, limbs, and tail but may also be marked with dark spots. Their thick legs are covered in tubercles, which are scale-like perturbances. The tubercles form some degree of protection, but the Indian star tortoise’s limbs and head are small enough to pull inside its shell in case of predators.

Indian star tortoises are usually solitary creatures but have been seen in the same area with tortoises of the same gender.
Natural predators include snakes and birds of prey.