Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Carnivora
FAMILY: Felidae
GENUS: Leopardus
SPECIES: L. wiedii
Conservation Status

Margays weigh around 5-11 pounds and can be between 18-30 inches long. One of their most defining features is their incredibly long tail that, at around 20 inches long, is well over half of its body length.
The main coloration of the margay is a shade of brown with rows of dark brown rosettes. Their undersides are white while the margay’s tail has black bands and their black ears have a white mark on the back.
The margay’s large eyes allow them to see clearly at night as they are nocturnal and hunt in the dark. Their long tails are used for balance as they spend almost their whole lives in the trees. In fact, their specialized paws and nails allow the margay to hang from a branch by using only one paw!

Unlike majority of cats, the margay can climb down trees head first. It is able to accomplish this because of its flexible ankles, which can rotate 180 degrees! The margay will spend most of its time in the trees, earning it the nickname “tree ocelot”; however, the margay will still hunt and travel on the ground occasionally.
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