Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Amphibia
ORDER: Anura
FAMILY: Alytidae
GENUS: Alytes

Their coloring depends on their environment, but they are usually a gray or brown color with lighter colored stomachs and warts. Some midwife toads have thicker stocky bodies while others have flattened bodies allowing them to hide in deep crevices.
All of these frogs have partially webbed toes since they spend more time on solid ground than in the water.
Like other toads and frogs, midwife toads store poison in their warts. When the midwife toad feels threatened, it will excrete the strong-smelling poison from the warts on its back. If attacked, the toxin is so strong, it can kill a venomous adder snake within hours. This protects the adults from natural predators, but the tadpoles are defenseless until they’re older.

Contrary to their name, midwife toads are more frog than toad.