Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Rodentia
FAMILY: Heterocephalidae
GENUS: Heterocephalus
SPECIES: H. glaber
Conservation Status

Despite their name, naked mole rats have a small amount of hair and little eyes that have some visual acuity. Luckily, they don’t need to use their eyesight at all to thrive. Instead, naked mole rats have thin, short legs that can move them forwards just as fast as they can backwards. In addition, their large teeth aid in digging.

Naked mole rats are neither moles or rats, but are instead more closely related to guinea pigs and porcupines.
Naked mole rats inhabit complex underground colonies of 20-300 rats. They are one of the only two mammals that live in hierarchical structures. Soldier mole rats defend the colony against outside mole rats or predators, worker mole rats extend the tunnels, and the queen is essentially the alpha female.
Some colonies can be as long as six football fields!