Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Boselaphus
Species: B. tragocamelus
Conservation Status

The nilgai is the largest Asian antelope found throughout the northern Indian subcontinent. Nilgais stand 3-4.9 feet tall and weigh between 220-640 pounds depending on the gender. It’s easy to tell the sex of a nilgai as males are bluish-grey with 5.9-9.4-inch horns and females have an orange coat with no horns.
Both genders have a tufted tail, a tassel of hair coming from under their neck, a sloping back, and white colorations on their throat, face, and ankles.

It is found naturally in the short bushes, grassy plains, and scrub forests of Nepal, India, and Pakistan. However, the nilgai was taken to the King Ranch in Texas in the 20th century for recreational purposes. Even though the King Ranch is one of the largest ranches in the world, some nilgais escaped making small populations in Alabama and Mexico.

Nilgais are herbivores, eating grasses, herbs, fruits, and woody plants. They are known more as browsers and mixed feeders in India, yet they are grazers in Texas. Nilgais will commonly share their territory with other herbivores but food competition is not a problem as they can reach high branches. Plus, nilgais can go long periods without drinking water, even in the summer.

Mating season for the nilgai is between June and October. Males will wander and mate with several females, fighting other males for dominance. Once pregnant, female nilgais will carry 1-3 calves for about 8 months. The moms will move away from the herd and give birth to calves that can stand up within an hour later. A few weeks later, the calves can forage on their own.

Nilgais are active during the day and usually prefer staying in smaller herds even though large herds up to 70 have been recorded with females tending to avoid the males outside of the mating season. Both sexes live in their own small territories defining the boundary lines with urine and scent glands, which are located on their feet.