Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Rodentia
FAMILY: Cricetidae
GENUS: Lemmus
SPECIES: L. lemmus
Conservation Status

Norway lemmings, no matter the gender, have the same brown coat with golden streaks in it all year. These lemmings have a small tail and short limbs that are usually tucked up under their body.
The first digit on each paw is larger and flatter than the others to help tunnel through the snow.
Norway lemmings have year-round thick bodies and heavy coats to hold in body heat, which is useful due to their constant migrating.

Lemmings are small rodents that belong in the same family as rats, muskrats, hamsters, voles, and more.
In winter, the Norway lemmings can make shelter under the hardpacked snow. Their shelters will start to collapse in the spring causing the lemmings to either move to higher ground with thicker snow or lower ground to spend their summer.