Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Tragelaphus
Species: T. angasii

Male adults have dark brown fur with white stripes on their backs and grow spiral horns that can measure up to 33 inches long! Females remain a tan color with white stripes their entire life. The average life expectancy for nyalas is about 19 years.

After about 7 months, a single calf is born, usually in thick vegetation away from danger. Females hide the calf for around 2 weeks. The calf remains with the mother until the next calf is born, typically lasting about 9 months.

Nyalas have amazing hearing, smell, and sight, all of which give them an advantage in spotting danger. Once danger is spotted, nyalas let out an alarm call to warn the rest of the herd.