Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Euarthropoda
CLASS: Insecta
ORDER: Lepidoptera
FAMILY: Nymphalidae
GENUS: Aglais
Conservation Status

The peacock butterfly has two lines of defense against common predators such as birds and rodents. Their first is crypsis, which is a process used by butterflies that blend into their environment, usually appearing as a dead leaf. If this doesn’t work, and the peacock butterfly is attacked, it’ll flash its wings to show their eyespots, and make a hissing noise to scare off predators.
Since the peacock butterflies live in temperate areas, the winters are freezing with a lack of food. To survive, these butterflies will hibernate in crevices, hollow trees, or attics from about September to February. Adults will gather as much nectar as they can to prepare for this hibernation, however, predators are still a threat. Rodents are a prominent danger, and the eye spots are ineffective since the temporary hiding spots are so dark. Yet, the hissing sounds will usually scare rodents off.