Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Rodentia
FAMILY: Sciuridae
TRIBE: Marmotini
GENUS: Cynomys

On average, prairie dogs can grow 12-16 inches long and weigh 1-4 pounds. Some subspecies have more sexual dimorphism than others.
All subspecies have small, round ears, a 3-4-inch tail, short limbs, and brownish-gray fur.

When prairie dogs are coming or leaving an area, you can observe them “kissing”, touching noses and locking their teeth. This allows them to determine if they are members of the same family group.
Prairie dogs are very social animals that live in small groups called coteries. These coteries are grouped into wards, and the wards make up a colony that can stretch for hundreds of miles!
Prairie dogs have one of the most complex forms of communication in the animal kingdom. Their barks and yips can not only tell the colony a predator is coming, but a detailed description of the predator as well.