Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Hyracoidea
FAMILY: Procaviidae
GENUS: Procavia
SPECIES: P. capensis
Conservation Status

Believe it or not, rock hyraxes are most closely related to elephants and dugongs! They have small tusks that come from their incisors, like elephants and dugongs, as opposed to most other tusked mammals where the tusks come from the canines. Also, the rock hyraxes have flat nails on the tips of their toes similar to elephants, while other small mammals have curved claws.
The rock hyrax has short legs with three toes on their back feet and four in the front. The pads of their feet are rubbery and produce a sweat-like substance. This allows their feet to lift up like suction cups so they can keep their grip on rocky surfaces. Their back feet also have small nails that are used for grooming.

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