Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
ORDER: Pelecaniformes
FAMILY: Balaenicipitidae
GENUS: Balaeniceps
Conservation Status

The shoebill is aptly named because of its large shoe-shaped beak, which can grow about 9 inches long and 4 inches wide. In fact, it’s the third largest beak among all living birds behind pelicans and large storks! They also have an impressive wing span of over 8 feet long but is one of the slowest flapping birds at an estimated 150 flaps per minute.

The shoebill is a solitary animal that only gathers for mating and taking care of chicks. They are quiet most of the time; however, they do make a variety of noises to communicate, for mating, or for aggression. These sounds can range from chattering, mooing, or even hiccupping.