Scientific Classification
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Carnivora
FAMILY: Felidae
GENUS: Panthera
SPECIES: P. tigris
Conservation Status

The Siberian tiger has a rusty-reddish or rusty-yellowish coat color with narrow stripes. The density of the coat depends on the season as their summer coat is coarse and their winter coat is thick, long, and soft. In addition to the change in color, Siberian tigers will get much longer hair especially around their face almost covering their ears.

Siberian tigers can mate year-long. Males and females will mate with different tigers over the course of a week. Once pregnant, the female will create a sheltered den and give birth to 2-6 cubs after about three months. Even though the cubs are born blind and defenseless, they are left alone while their mother hunts. Female cubs will stay with the mothers longer and find territories close to home, while males will venture alone farther away.

Depending on the region, the Siberian tiger is also called the Amur tiger, Manchurian tiger, Ussurian tiger, Korean tiger.
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