Meet the sweet and loving dog Plum. Plum was born both deaf and blind which as anyone could imagine is very challenging for any animal. Much less a potential owner.
While working at an animal hospital Aiden, Plum’s owner, spotted plum with one of his coworkers that was fostering her. She was only 6 month’s old and was a product of double merle breeding which is known to cause deformities with the most extreme cases resulting in complete blindness and deafness. But, because he has a loving heart Aiden decided to adopt Plum and the result has been heartwarming.
When asked why he decided to adopt Plum knowing the challenges that Plum faced, Aiden said “Everyone deserves to live a happy life and I was in a position to give her that! She is inspiring, despite her disabilities, she still is the happiest and sweetest pup!”. No doubt this is due to the love and companionship shown between the two of them.

Aiden has been sharing parts of their story on TikTok and those videos have gone viral. You can see a few of the most viewed ones below:
Aiden says he trained her by touch since she couldn’t see or hear commands and says that she relies on touch and smell to get around the house. Some of the commands he uses are tapping once on her chin for her to sit, sliding his hand on her body towards where he wants her to go, and guiding her snoot to help her find her food bowl.
Every now and then if something is out of place she will run into it, but otherwise she has learned to get around just fine.
As seen in the video above the best way he has found to wake her up and not scare her is by lightly blowing on her. After she wakes up she feels Aiden is then ready to love and play.

Aiden has another dog named Lola that is a Great Dane and Pit mix. He says he knew that Lola would be like a “great big sister” because she loved puppies. He was right and says the both of them play like normal dogs and Plum even seems more relaxed when Lola is around.
In general, most people fall in love with Plum immediately when they are out in public and are amazed at how well she gets around. But, Aiden also says that now and again some think that he “is a terrible person for keeping her alive”.
Personally, after watching their videos and seeing the responses from Aiden and those commenting on his videos I would argue that Plum has a great life full of love, play, and happiness. In fact, perhaps we can all learn a bit more about compassion and love by watching Aiden, Lola, and Plum.
I love it whenever people get together and share ideas. Great website, keep it up!