Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Family: Viperidae
Genus: Trimeresuru
Species: T. albolabris
Conservation Status

The white-lipped viper is a striking snake known for its vibrant colors and unique markings. Males of this species are generally smaller than females, with males reaching up to 24 inches in length, while females can grow up to 32 inches. Both genders boast stunning emerald green scales, with occasional yellow scales scattered throughout their bodies.
The underbelly of the white-lipped viper varies in color, ranging from lighter shades of green to yellow or white. Their tails also exhibit different hues, such as red, brown, or white tips. This snake gets its name from the distinctive light green, white, or yellow coloration found below its eyes, giving it the appearance of having white lips.
Distinguishing between male and female white-lipped vipers is relatively straightforward. Not only are females generally brighter in color, but males also have a unique feature – a white stripe running down their sides. This characteristic makes it easy to identify the gender of these beautiful and fascinating snakes.

The white-lipped viper is a versatile snake that thrives in various habitats throughout Southeast Asia. They can be found in diverse environments, including shrublands, rural gardens, forests, and even areas populated by humans. Their adaptability allows them to flourish in many different settings, making them a common sight in their native regions.
As nocturnal creatures, white-lipped vipers are most active during the night, when they can be found exploring the ground in search of food or other activities. During the day, these snakes prefer to rest in trees, providing them with a safe and comfortable place to hide from potential predators and blend in with their surroundings.

The white-lipped viper is a skilled ambush predator that relies on stealth and surprise to catch its prey. As carnivores, these snakes have a varied diet that includes rodents, birds, lizards, and frogs. They patiently wait for their target to come within striking distance before launching a swift and powerful attack.
Upon biting their prey, white-lipped vipers inject venom that incapacitates their victim. These snakes hold on to their prey, ensuring it cannot escape, and wait for the venom to take effect, ultimately leading to the prey’s demise. Once the prey is no longer a threat, the white-lipped viper can safely consume its meal.

White-lipped vipers typically mate around May, with females often selecting larger males as their partners. After the mating process, the female retains the male’s sperm inside her body, where her eggs are fertilized and develop for approximately 4-5 months.
The ability to nurture and develop eggs internally, rather than in a nest, offers several advantages to the white-lipped viper. The consistent temperature inside the mother’s body provides an ideal environment for the eggs to develop, and there’s no need to worry about predators stealing the eggs.
Once the young vipers have fully developed, the mother gives birth to a litter of 10-15 live baby snakes. These tiny vipers are immediately independent and set off to explore their surroundings and begin their own lives.
The white-lipped viper’s unique reproductive process ensures the survival and success of their offspring by providing a safe and stable environment for their development, giving them the best possible chance for survival.

A noteworthy feature of the white-lipped viper is its venom, which acts as a procoagulant that promotes blood clotting. Although the venom is generally mild and often not fatal to healthy adults, it is crucial to take any encounter with a white-lipped viper seriously. The effects of a bite can range from mild symptoms like dizziness, swelling, and bruising to more severe complications like gangrene, necrosis, and even death.
Another fascinating aspect of the white-lipped viper is its unique heat-sensing ability. Located beneath each eye, the snake possesses a pit that can detect temperature changes in its environment. This heat-sensing capability functions similarly to thermal vision, allowing the snake to locate warm-blooded prey more easily. This adaptation provides the white-lipped viper with an advantage in hunting and navigating its surroundings, making it a highly efficient predator.
These intriguing facts about the white-lipped viper showcase its adaptability and resourcefulness, highlighting the remarkable abilities of this captivating species.